Coronavirus COVID-19 – Management Strategies in Place as of 16 March 2020

Dear Families

As you are aware, the Australian Government has advised that all organised, non-essential static mass  gatherings attended by more than 500 people must be cancelled from Monday 16 March 2020.

In schools with more than 500 students and staff (VHHS enrolment is 748), principals have been asked to review internal school operations and consider the following social distancing strategies:

  • Staggered lunch (& recess) breaks

  • postponing full school assemblies

  • postponing other large in-school student gatherings/events.

  • critically examine the need to hold events and gatherings and consider postponing those that aren’t necessary

  • smaller events that are necessary should be complemented with extra attention to health and hygiene measures

  • cancel all visits to nursing homes and care facilities

  • review the need to host visitors for occasions, such as special person days and Harmony Day.

In the coming days the Department for Education will provide information on preparations for continuation of student learning in the event students or teachers are required to self-isolate, and staff leave arrangements. These directions are about supporting the effort to contain and slow the spread of COVID-19. As a school we
understand the vital role we play in assisting our communities to contain the virus.

Personal hygiene and the hygiene standards in all preschools and schools are critical to reducing the risk of infection.

Staff are consistently reminding all students to:

  • wash their hands regularly, particularly after using the toilet and before eating

  • cover a cough or sneeze with a tissue or elbow

  • avoid spreading infections to others by staying home if they are unwell

All children, students and staff who are unwell with fever and/or respiratory infection should remain at home until symptoms resolve. Please contact the school as per normal absence procedures so we can update our attendance rolls.

The Department for Education is working closely with SA Health and will continue to follow their advice and guidelines. I will inform staff, students and families as regular updates become available. You can also call
the government’s coronavirus health information line on 1800 020 080. The line operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Until further notice the following management strategies are in place at Victor Harbor High School.

For Year 8 & 9 students:

  • To avoid congestion in the Canteen, Lessons 2 and 4 will be shortened by 5 minutes to allow students access to the canteen prior to the dismissal of Year 10, 11 & 12 students.

  • Students have been asked to use the toilet facilities attached to Building M. Soap dispensers are being checked daily.

  • Students will be requested to use the areas of the site to the North/East of the Canteen

    • The Precinct

    • Paved areas around Building M and between the Research Centre/Change rooms

    • The grass area between Research Centre/Arts and Rec Centre

For Year 10 & 11 students:

  • Lesson dismissal will be as normal

  • Students are asked to use toilet facilities opposite the Canteen. Soap dispensers are being checked daily.

  • Students will be requested to use the areas of the site to the South/West of the Canteen

    • The Front lawns

    • The Amphitheatre

    • Area between Science block and Heritage Building – new 4 square courts will be
      marked out within this area

For Year 12 students:

  • Lesson dismissal will be as normal

  • Students are asked to use toilet facilities opposite the Canteen. Soap dispensers are being
    checked daily.

  • Students are to use the Year 12 building for Independent Study sessions

  • Students are asked to use the areas of the site;

    • The Year 12 building

    • Year 12 courtyard between A21/22 and Admin

    • The Learning Street

In Addition:

  • During the lunch break the Research Centre will be able to be accessed by all student levels – staff to monitor density of students

  • Research Courtyard – not to be used

  • The use of lanyards for students leaving class will be suspended

  • All staff and students to be mindful of personal hygiene –reiterated regularly and posters in all areas of the school

  • Staff are encouraged to review future learning programs – and preparation of online resources.

For Planned Events and Excursions:

  • Previously approved events and excursions are being reviewed on a case by case basis